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Hi! My name is Lina, and I want to tell you a little about my life. I live in a small town where something interesting happens every day. I've loved watching anime. When I'm in front of the screen, I'm immersed in fascinating stories and a fantastic world. My imagination plays out really colorful pictures, and the characters become my friends. But now my main goal is to get into university. I want to study veterinary medicine and become a veterinarian. I've always had a connection with animals, and I want to help them when they get sick or have difficulties. Of course, I have other hobbies that help me relax and unwind after a hard day. I like to walk in the park and chat with friends. But no matter what, I always come back to my love of anime and the dream of a veterinary career. And I believe that soon I will have a dog that will brighten up my life even more.

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  • Mots clés:
  • natural
  • dansant
  • smoke cigarette
  • footsex
  • asmr
  • cosplay
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